22 tips for losing weight
A few tricks that will help you burn extra calories.
Hold the dairy department
According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, women burned more fat and calories when prepared from 1 000 to 1400 milligrams of calcium per day. This means that on average, you need to eat three servings of dairy products daily.
... Eat more meat, eggs and legumes
People who received 40% of daily calories from protein, lost significantly more body fat than those whose diets were only 15% protein. In this case the subjects consumed the same amount of calories.
Break during training
As it has been proven in a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, if during exercise, you will break them into two parts with a 20-minute break, then get a chance to burn more calories than doing 60 minutes without interruption.
Play football
According to the research of scientists from the University of Copenhagen, a football game two or three times a week gives greater fat loss and increase muscle than jogging. The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn.
Drink coffee without sugar
Caffeine, which is contained in two cups of coffee speeds up metabolism. However, if you add sugar or cream to it, you dull the effect, so drink only coffee, without additives.
Let the greatest load at the start of training
According to the study, conducted by researchers from the College of New Jersey, cyclists, which increased the intensity of the load during the first half of his workout and slowed down in the second half, they burned 23% more fat than those who went from low intensity to high.
Eat whole grain products
Athletes who began the day with a breakfast that includes whole grains, burned more fat during the day and during exercise than those who had breakfast with white bread.
Take Nordic walking
This sport, which is gaining popularity in recent years, will allow you to burn 20% more calories than regular walking. However, you will feel less tired.
Relax during cycling
According to scientists from the University of New South Wales, a woman who made the 20-minute intervals during cycling, burn three times more fat than those who are within 40 minutes kept the same pace.
Engage in aerobic exercise
Vigorous aerobic exercise for 40 minutes, forcing your body to burn calories at a higher rate, most of the next day after training. It is found out by researchers from the University of Alabama.
Wear comfortable clothes
According to the research of scientists from the University of Wisconsin, on average, women are moving up 8% during the day, when dressed in jeans.
Drink green tea
In accordance with the results of a study conducted in Switzerland, volunteers who regularly drank green tea were able to increase the metabolic rate by about 4%. The control group consisted of subjects who drank coffee, and placebo.
Proper training
Rather than rest for 60 seconds between exercises in weightlifting, immediately go from one exercise to another to maintain the pace of your cardiovascular system and burn the maximum amount of calories.
Use more olive oil
People who adhere to a diet high in monounsaturated fats (such as olive oil and avocados), burning more fat in four weeks than when sitting on a diet high in saturated fats. This was confirmed by a study of Australian scientists.
Go to yogurt
People who included yogurt in their diet lost 22% more weight and 61% more fat than those who just cut down the number of calories consumed. It is discovered by researchers from the University of Tennessee.
Listen to music during exercise
As shown by some studies, women who listened to music during exercise, lost more fat and engaged on a regular basis than those who did not.
... And make the right playlist
Include in your playlist of upbeat music. You will train with great pleasure and will burn more calories. In addition, experts from the University of Kansas say you're less tired.
Strain your buttocks when walking
When you are walking, clenching buttocks, so you engage more muscles and burn more calories.
choose proteins
Calories have calories, but your body burns about 25-30 in the digestion of 100 calories from protein than 7 spent by him for processing of simple carbohydrates.
You will be surprised that a simple way to burn extra 350 calories a day: just gesticulate and swing the legs when sitting.
Add some fish oil and movements
Volunteers who took 6 grams of fish oil every day and went to the gym three times a week lost more body fat than those who do not match these events.
Stand up when you call
This will burn 20% more calories than if you are sitting talking. Better yet, walk.
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